Tag Archive for: Black Chinned Hummingbird

A beautiful and successful garden, attracts pollinators.  My three favorite pollinators begin with the letter ‘B’ – bees, butterflies and birds.

First, the bees…

favorite pollinators

Icelandic Poppy





Now, butterflies…

Swallowtail and Dianthus

Swallowtail and Dianthus

Pipevine Swallowtail

Pipevine Swallowtail

White Checkered Butterfly

White Checkered Butterfly

And, my favorite – birds…

Black-Chinned Hummingbird feeding from Ocotillo flower

Black-Chinned Hummingbird feeding from Ocotillo flower.

What kind of pollinators do you have visiting your garden this week?

What are their favorite plants?

Earlier this week, my husband and I decided to get outdoors and enjoy our beautiful spring weather.  So, we visited our local Riparian Preserve.  We had a great time walking and talking, but we also brought our camera so that we could take pictures of some of the feathered creatures that congregate around the preserve.

As we were walking, I would look upwards at the trees to see if I could see any birds.  Sometimes they weren’t always easy to spot.

Local Riparian Preserve

Local Riparian Preserve

Can you see it?

There is a hummingbird at the very tip of the flowering Palo Verde tree.

As we walked, we noticed quite a few hummingbirds perched high above.  

An Anna's Hummingbird perched in a Mesquite tree

An Anna’s Hummingbird perched in a Mesquite tree.

An Ash tree is the perfect perch for this little hummer

An Ash tree is the perfect perch for this little hummer.

We were able to get some really great photos, but because of our location, could not always identify which species of hummingbird we were looking at.

But, we did get a great photo of this Costa’s Hummingbird.  His sharp eyes never left us.

Costa's Hummingbird in an Acacia tree

Costa’s Hummingbird in an Acacia tree.

As we were walking along the trail, I heard the distinctive sounds of a hummer nearby.  But, it took me a little while to locate it.

Can you see it?

Local Riparian Preserve

Anna’s hummingbirds do blend well with their surroundings, except when the sun reflects off of their bright pink throat…

Local Riparian Preserve

As we were leaving, we saw a few more of our feathered friends…

Local Riparian Preserve
Black-Chinned Hummingbird

Black-Chinned Hummingbird

We were fortunate enough to have seen 3 different hummingbird species.  Anna’s and Costa’s are year round residents, but the Black Chinned hummingbirds are summer residents, so it was especially nice to see them as well.

You know what?  I think the fact that hummingbirds are so tiny might account for their preference for perching up on the tallest branches of trees?

What do you think?