Spring for a horticulturist, is much the same as tax season for tax professional.
With the warming temperatures, I am very busy with landscape consults. While I enjoy meeting and helping clients with their landscape needs, it does create the problem of less time to be able to do other things that need to get done.
But, in the case of writing – I have been able to get my work done, all with the help of a very special little lady…
My granddaughter, Lily, loves to sit on my lap with her cup of Cheerios while I write.
We have come great conversations (mostly one-sided). I talk to her about what I am writing and she does point to pictures of flowers.
Maybe someday, she’ll be inspired to grow her own garden?
This week is a sad one for our family. My second-oldest daughter, Rachele, is leaving for the Navy on Sunday.
Rachele, my mother, my oldest daughter (Brittney) and me visiting Las Vegas for her 21st birthday last January.
While I am so proud of her and know that she will do very well – I am still going to miss her so much!
She will be in basic training (just outside of Chicago) for several weeks. Then she will go to school to learn to become an equipment operator (a Navy SeaBee).
We had a ‘goodbye’ celebration for her yesterday at our house. Over 100 people showed up. It was so neat to see how much she means to so many different people.
This week, we are experiencing what I like to call “the last times”. Today, it was going to a movie with the kids and Rachele.
I hope you’ll bear with me over the next couple of weeks, if I share parts of her military journey with you 🙂
Six Trees, a Boy Scout and a Horticulturist