Tag Archive for: Hummingbird bath

You know what?  I do not think that I know anyone who doesn’t enjoy hummingbirds.  I guess that there are probably a handful, but what’s not to love? 

enjoy hummingbirds

This little hummer was busy bathing and drinking from this fountain at The Living Desert in Palm Desert, CA.

I had never seen a hummingbird bathe before and it was so fun to sit and watch him.

I have a pair of Anna’s hummingbirds who live in one of my trees. They take turns visiting my hummingbird feeder.

Here is Mr. A…..

enjoy hummingbirds

and his wife, Mrs. A….


How about you?  

Are hummingbirds one of your favorite things?

I would love to hear about your little visitors…..


Thank you all for visiting my Birds & Blooms blog.

Here is my latest post…

A Gathering of Cattle Egrets

We returned late last night from our visit to “The Refuge”.  The California desert was beautiful.  We enjoyed warm weather and the wildflowers blooming in the desert.

We visited “The Living Desert”, which has collections of both plants and animals that thrive in dry climates all over the world.  I had a wonderful time and took over 500 photos.  But don’t worry, I won’t make you sit through all of them 😉

I do want to show you some of my favorite pictures of our trip…..we spotted a hummingbird taking a bath.  Now, I have seen countless hummingbirds and always pause to observe their beauty and antics.  

But I have never seen one taking a bath…

Hummingbird Bath

Hummingbird taking a bath.

Can you see her?

Hummingbird Bath

Hummingbird Bath

She was oblivious to the crowd who had gathered to watch her and I couldn’t believe how close we were able to get.

I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do.

Now, I’m off to the kennel to pick up the dog, grocery shop and all the other normal things that make up my life.  But in my mind, I will still be walking among the beautiful gardens of “The Living Desert”.