Tag Archive for: Improper pruning

You know what?

Sometimes it is easy to tell who in the neighborhood uses the same landscaper.  

It is pretty evident from these photos that I took over the summer that quite a few people in this neighborhood are using the services of the same landscaper….

same landscaper

This is the first ‘mushroom-shaped’ Olive tree that I have ever seen.

same landscaper

To me, this Texas Sage looks somewhat like a small loaf bread, don’t you think?

Ebenopsis ebano

For those of you who have seen Texas Ebony (Ebenopsis ebano) in its natural form, may not recognize this heavily pruned one, above.

Texas Sage shrubs

These two Texas Sage shrubs remind me of a lumpy cake that you have just pulled out of the oven.


I hope you are all enjoying a great start to your weekend.

This is the last weekend for awhile where I am not busy, so I plan to enjoy it 🙂