While strolling through the vegetable garden the other morning, pulling out weeds, I spotted a pretty white mystery flower growing on top of a weedy-looking stalk.
I stepped over to take a closer look and scratched my head for a few seconds trying to figure out where this mystery flower came from.
The flower was quite attractive and dainty in appearance.
While the green part of the plant resembled a weed, I noticed that the lower leaves looked much like a type of vegetable I had grown in my garden.
That is when I remembered where I had seen the flower before.
Mystery Flower in the Vegetable Garden
A few weeks ago, I had asked my daughter to pull out any large radishes, which were too tough to eat. It looked like she missed one.
If I let the radish flower remain, it will go to seed and new radishes will come up in its place. However, because the end of radish season is at hand, I will probably collect the seeds to plant in the fall.
For now, I will enjoy the lovely, little flower.
Have you ever seen a mystery flower in your garden? What was it?
Unexpected Discoveries In A Small Garden