I love the color purple in the garden because the color, helps to visually ‘cool’ the garden.
‘Rio Bravo’ Sage (Leucophyllum langmaniae ‘Rio Bravo’)
Have you ever wondered how some plants handle our hot temperatures and intense sunlight?
Look carefully at the flowers, above. Note the small hairs covering the petals? They help to reflect the sun’s rays.
I like using large shrubs to screen the back wall of my garden, so I have quite a few ‘Rio Bravo’ sage shrubs.
They put on a spectacular show off and on throughout the summer when they bloom. (Leucophyllum langmaniae) is just one species of Leucophyllum (Texas Sage).
Of course, if you insist on pruning your sage shrubs into round ‘blobs’ – you will never see the flower show.
For guidelines on how to prune your desert, flowering shrubs correctly, click here.