Tag Archive for: scallions

First of all, let me begin by saying that I love green onions.

Green Onions

I plant the seeds in my vegetable garden in fall and they are ready for me to harvest in May.

Green Onions

Freshly-harvested onions on the right (Garlic is on the left).

I like to use them in my homemade salsa or sprinkled on top of any Mexican dish that I make – tacos, nachos, Mexican rice, etc.

What I don’t like is having to buy them at the store when they aren’t growing in my garden.  

BUT, I learned a great trick this year:

You can re-grow green onions by using the bottom part (the part you usually throw away).

Here is how you do it:

Green Onions

1. Cut off the white base of your green onions (use the top green part for whatever delicious meal you are cooking 😉

Green Onions
Green Onions

2. Place the bottom part of your green onions in a glass or jar and fill with water.  Take care NOT to cover the top of the onion with water.

3. Place in front of a sunny window and change the water every other day.

Green Onions

4. In only a week’s time, you will see your green onion start to regrow.  The photo above was taken after 10 days.


You can see how the roots grew too.

5. Now simply slice of snip off the green tops for whatever you like to eat green onions on.

You can ‘re-use’ a green onion 2 – 3 times.  After this point, they will start to lose their ‘oniony’ flavor.

So, I hope you use this helpful tip.  It will not only save you $ at the store, but who doesn’t like more green onions?