Every year about this time, I get tired of seeing this in my garden……
My brown shrubs
Pretty ugly, isn’t it?
Just looking at my frozen Lantana, causes me to feel the pull of my pruners calling out to me.
Even though I know all the reasons that I should NOT prune them now, it would be so easy to prune them back early.
And so, to keep myself from venturing into the garage where my loppers and hand pruners are stored, I will keep repeating the following reasons to stay away……
1. If I prune early, I may prune off branches that are actually alive on the inside.
2. I can cause irreparable damage by pruning early since that stimulates plants to produce new growth, which is especially susceptible to frost damage and may even kill my plants.
3. The brown and crispy stuff actually protects the interior and sometimes the lower leaves of my plants from the cold.
I will go out prune to my hearts content once the danger of frost is over, which is about the first week of March in my zone 9a garden.
Okay, I feel much better now about leaving my brown shrubs alone…..for the next 22 days and counting down 😉
I have some special news to share with you all in about a week.
It is something that I have been working on for a while now and it is getting ready to debut soon.
More later 🙂