Tag Archive for: Christmas tree

Old Christmas Tree

Do you celebrate Christmas with a natural tree?  If so, what do you do with it once the holidays are over?

If you are like many people, your beautifully decorated tree eventually ends up at the curb waiting for trash pickup.

But, what if you could find another purpose for your old Christmas trees – one that benefits nature?

I recently did some research on the different ways that Christmas trees can be used, with some surprising results.

You can read more in my latest article for Houzz.com:

10 Ways Your Christmas Tree Can Live On After the Holidays

You’ll never guess what I made this Christmas tree out of…

Christmas tree

A tomato cage, mini-white Christmas lights and a hair band is all that it took to create this festive Christmas tree.

Christmas lights

I brought out my tomato cages and grabbed some Christmas lights and took the hair band out of my hair 😉

I used the hair band to wrap the top of the tomato cage.  Then all I had to do was to begin wrapping lights around the cage, starting from the bottom.  

holiday decoration

This is what it look like when I was finished.

holiday decoration

I decided to use them in my vegetable gardens since I can see them from the house.

holiday decoration

My son, Kai, had fun helping me get all the lights up and connected.

Before we connected the lights, Kai said “This is like the movie Christmas Vacation just before the plug in the lights.”

holiday decoration

I must say that I am so happy with how they look.

I liked it so much that I did the same thing in my other vegetable garden…

holiday decoration

holiday decoration

Who knew that a tomato cage could turn into something so beautiful?


How about you?

Have you ever transformed an everyday object into a holiday decoration?

Blue Booties, Hot Wheels and Christmas Decorations….