A Breath of Fresh Air: Creating Natural Air Fresheners
Have you ever sprayed air freshener in your home? Does it ever smell like the fragrance described on the can? I must confess that I have used air-fresheners in the past, but I’ve never happy with how my house smelled afterward. To me, the fragrance is so ‘artificial,’ and I also wonder if there are some ingredients in them that maybe aren’t good to inhale.
Discover the Beauty of Natural Fragrances
So, I was intrigued when I heard about ‘natural’ air fresheners made from plants – many of which I have in my garden.
Imagine your home filled with the natural fragrance of citrus paired with your favorite herbs drifting throughout – no overpowering, artificial fragrance, just subtle, refreshing scents.
How to Make Your Own Natural Air Fresheners
The combinations are endless, and the fragrance is released into the air by adding the contents and enough water to fill a small pot at least 1/2 – 3/4 full. Heat to boiling and then turn the heat down to low and allow it to simmer for a couple of hours. That’s it!
So are you as excited about creating your own ‘natural’ air fresheners as I am?
Natural Ingredients for Your Unique Fragrance
Let’s get started with some ingredients that you can use for your unique fragrant combination(s):
Citrus Delights
All types of citrus are refreshing and can serve as the base of your air freshener. I chose lemons, oranges and limes. But, if you have a grapefruit tree that is overly generous with its fruit, they would work well too!
A Touch of Herbs
Now let’s grab some herbs for your natural air fresheners from the garden or the grocery store).
- Basil
2. Thyme
3. Mint
Rosemary and lavender would also work great. I also use vanilla extract and peppercorns in my mixtures.
Crafting Your Natural Air Freshener
Here are a few that I made.
Cooking (and eating) Italian food is some of my favorite – even though I have no Italian ancestry that I know of.
I used 1 sprig of basil, 1 teaspoon of black peppercorns and a few slices of lemon – it makes my home smell fresh as I imagine an Italian kitchen would smell like.
Add these ingredients to jars and fill them with water to the top. For this project, I used Ball mason jars.
I think it looks pretty, don’t you? Of course, if you are going to use use them right away, skip the jar and add directly to a small pot. Pour more water until it reaches 3/4 full, heat to boiling, lower the heat to low and enjoy for a few hours – KEEP an eye on the water level and add more as needed – DON’T let it dry out.
More Natural Fragrance Combinations
Here is another combination that I like.
A few slices of lime, 4 – 5 sprigs of thyme, a sprig of mint and a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
You can make one air freshener at a time, or create a few and store them in the refrigerator for a week. You can freeze them for longer until ready to use – just make sure to freeze them in a freezer-safe container such as a wide-mouth jar.
Lastly, this is my favorite combination, and only has two ingredients.
Oranges and vanilla extract.
I sliced half an orange and added 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.
The fragrance reminds me of orange cream – YUM!
You can also add cinnamon sticks or a few whole cloves to this mixture for a spicier fragrance.
Exploring Natural Fragrance Variations
If you have ever stepped into a Williams & Sonoma store, they have their own natural air freshener recipe:
- Lemon slices
- Rosemary sprigs
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
In addition to the ingredients I’ve used, here are some others that you can experiment with to create your own unique natural air freshener.
Citrus or apple peels, almond, coconut, or peppermint extract along with herbs like ginger, nutmeg, ground cinnamon, whole cloves, bay leaves, basil, sage, lavender, oregano, and rosemary.
Freshen Your Home Naturally
So if you want to add a little freshness to your home, don’t waste your time spraying artificial fragrance through your home. You can create wonderful combinations of scents using items from your garden, refrigerator, and pantry.
I hope you enjoy making these natural air fresheners as much as I do!
5 Surprising Ways to Use Citrus Fruit For Home and Kitchen