I just love Mondays….
But, I must admit that my love for Mondays is rather new. I didn’t always enjoy sitting in traffic, headed for my office in downtown Phoenix, where I worked as a landscape designer. (I did enjoy my beautiful office that overlooked the city from the 14th floor).
Fast forward to 5 years later, and I find Mondays refreshing. For one, the kids are back in school after a hectic weekend, trying to get their projects finished on time. I also love that Monday is a fresh start. I rarely have time to garden on the weekends, so Mondays is a wonderful time to step outside and see what is flowering, smell the subtle fragrance of my desert trees and most importantly – see what has developed in my vegetable garden.
Two weeks ago, I planted my fall vegetable garden – on a Monday. It all started with a visit to our local Home Depot, where I picked up bagged compost, aged steer manure, bone meal and blood meal.
Earlier, we had ripped out what was left of our summer vegetable garden, leaving only our basil and oregano plants behind. Since I had removed the shade cloth from the garden, I put in two plastic chairs to protect the basil and oregano from the sun.
We added a 3 inch layer of compost and 3 inches of aged steer manure. Then I sprinkled both blood and bone meal on top. We then lightly raked the layers together and then waited a week before planting our vegetable seeds.
Fall vegetable garden
We placed stepping stones through the middle so that we will have easy access to our vegetables.
I buy my seeds from different sources. I have Burpee, some from Botanical Interesta, but I usually buy mine at the local Big Box store.
We decided to plant cucumbers, carrots, green onions, spinach, leaf lettuce and cauliflower.
I let each of the kids pick out what kind of seed they wanted to plant.
Decisions, decisions….
Planting Vegetable Seed
Gracie loves carrots, so that is what she picked to plant.
My son, Kai, planted the green onions and my daughter, Ruthie, planted the lettuce.
I finished up planting the rest of the seeds, using my top secret vegetable garden tool.
I will share my special tool with you soon 🙂
Fall vegetable garden
I had planted the sweet corn a few weeks ago, since they need to be in the ground by the end of August for best results.
So, do you know what you will be doing today?
I will be stepping out in to my vegetable garden, seeing what seedlings have started to sprout.
Stay tuned for how to plant garlic and learn about my ‘secret’ gardening tool.
I hope you all had a great weekend and are off to a good start for the week.
Please email me a photo of your bouquet, or leave me a link to your blog post with you bouquet in the comments section of this post. I will then feature your bouquet and a link back to your blog.
I hope you decide to take the time to send me your bouquet. I do enjoy seeing the beautiful flowers from your garden 🙂
Time To Plant Vegetables Already?