Our Mysterious, Malfuntioning Hose….
Our family has been plagued by a long succession of malfunctioning hoses over the years.
All five of our children have been victims at one time or another. Occasionally even my husband has fallen victim to the hose.
These mysterious malfunctions seem to be a seasonal occurrence. Warm and sunny days seem to bring it on.
My children swear that I am the one responsible. But, I tell them that I would NEVER do something like that to them. The hose acts of it’s own accord.
One minute I am watering my plants when suddenly the hose turns around all by itself. I am honestly powerless to stop it.
My children don’t seem to believe me….
I'm sure they "hate" getting wet too 🙂 How fun that it's warm enough to get sprayed by the hose.
It looks like FUN is being had by all.
Happy Spring ~ Happy Gardening,
Well that looks like fun–perfect for the warming seasons. And to think people spend lots of effort on those little misting systems when all they need is a properly malfunctioning hose…
That malfunctioning hose seems bringing lots of fun and laugh to your family! Happy spring!
Those malfunctioning hoses can be a lot of fun. He doesn't look too unhappy with the hose. LOL!
Hah! I just love how innocent you look holding that mysterious malfunctioning hose!
I haven't left a comment yet, but want you to know your blog is very helpful to a new desert gardener here in AZ. I just love that little bathing hummingbird. When they visit my garden, it's like magic.
Oh…they are going to get you one day! How nice to be enjoying the hot weather!
As a single girl for most of my childhood with 4 brothers, I was always always ALWAYS on the receiving end of such hosey subterfuge. One of these days I'm going to get my adult siblings back, you just wait and see…. and I've no doubt that your family has plans for you!!! 😀
Those mafunctioning hoses have been multiplying and turning up in all sorts of places all over the world! I have lots of memories of hose fights across the neighbourhood fences when I was a child.
Another memory that's surfaced, thanks to your post, is the fun we had when we would place a sprinkler up on the Hills Hoist (the outdoor clothes hoist) and spend hours running under it and just generally mucking about!
Funny how malfunctioning hoses can be so numerous and enjoyable. We have often had versions of the same here. When they happen in the house, (not with a hose but with water glasses etc) the loser cleans the floor by getting pulled through on their backside! Always lots of fun. Good for you!
Tsk. It is such a shame that a good sensible hose is so hard to buy these days!
What a cheeky smile 😀
its temperature related for sure :wink I think its inbred in all AZ hoses.
Cute…awww…super fun!
too cute Noelle! Right now it's hard to imagine getting wet by one (too cold) but one day soon it will feel very refreshing ~ I just know it!
okay time to bring out the slip and slide and i'll come on over too!
what fun, thanks for sharing noelle 🙂
the look on his face in the first picture is priceless! LOL!
They'll remember this when many other childhood memories fade. Playing is the some of the best love.
That is really funny. My garden hose seems to always "malfunction" when my kids are gardening with me….lol…Keep up the great work with your wonderful blog.
Its very nice so cute great post.
This makes me wish my children were little again! I bet yours don't mind that malfunctioning hose a bit. Happy Spring!
It's shocking the lack of quality in hoses these days. I see that you'll be making do, and do your best to control that thing. Looks like fun.
That's great that you can buy plants at the garden you visited too!
Thank you all for your kind comments. It was nice to hear that I a not the only person that has experienced this type of malfunction. Right now, the kids are outside helping their dad in the garden…I think I will go out and water some kids (I mean plants).
I love when posts like this resurface and spread around the web. Absolutely adorable!