My Garden Bouquet

My Garden Bouquet – March MGB

I am a little late in posting this morning because I had to venture out into my garden and cut flowers for today's post. "My Garden Bouquet" began last month rather unexpectedly.  I was preparing for my daughter's birthday part and…
Garden Hoses

Our Mysterious, Malfuntioning Hose….

Our family has been plagued by a long succession of malfunctioning hoses over the years.   All five of our children have been victims at one time or another.  Occasionally even my husband has fallen victim to the hose. These…
Desert Museum Palo Verde tree

“Plant As I Say…..NOT As I Do”

Tuesday was a beautiful, sunny day and the kids were home on spring break.  It was a perfect time to go outside and plant three new plants that I purchased from the amazing nursery at "The Living Desert".  Did you really think I could…
unique plants

Strange and Unusual Things Around Every Corner…

One the most frequent comments that I receive from readers is that some of the plants that grow in the desert are so strange and unusual.  This is especially true for those of us who are not desert natives.   Although I have…
Palm Springs California

A Trek Through The Living Desert

This past Monday my sister (Daisy Mom) took me and my family to a very special place at the base of the desert mountains.  Beautiful gardens, plant collections from around the world and wild animals were on display for all to see at "The…
Hummingbird Bath

A Hummingbird Bath

We returned late last night from our visit to "The Refuge".  The California desert was beautiful.  We enjoyed warm weather and the wildflowers blooming in the desert. We visited "The Living Desert", which has collections of both…
Red Globe Mallow

A Walk in the Garden – March GBBD

As you read this, I am on my way home from a visit to "The Refuge".  I love visiting my sister and her family and will have lots to post about in the coming days.... In preparation for March's Garden Blogger's Bloom Day, I took a walk…
Agave desmettiana

Awakening to Spring

The temperatures are warming and my garden is absolutely coming to life.  Well, it really wasn't dead or brown because I do live in the Arizona desert, but many plants that were dormant during the winter, are starting to produce new leaves…

Fruit Cocktail From a Tree?

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Many of us have memories of school lunches and the little cup of fruit cocktail that sometimes came with it.  Little bits of assorted fruit, served in a light syrup with a cherry for color. What if I told you that there is a fruit tree…
Cabbage Transplants

Three Kids, One Cabbage and a Caterpillar…

Last fall, I planted a flower garden with my children using their old, plastic swimming pool.  You can read more about "A Children's Garden in an Unusual Place" if you like.  The flowers grew and the kids loved taking care of watering…