What Is Wrong With This Citrus Tree?
something wrong with citrus tree
Last week, I came upon this citrus tree while I was doing a consultation.
At first, there was one problem that I noticed right away. As I peered closer, I saw that there was another problem affecting this tree.
The tree was well-fertilized and I could see no sign of nutrient deficiencies.
Can you tell what is wrong with this citrus tree?
Leave your guesses below in the comment section and I will reveal the answer tomorrow 🙂
*You may be wondering why you should care about the problems of this particular citrus tree. Well, if you have citrus growing in your garden, you may have the same problem(s) and not even know it.
My hope is to help others identify and correct problems with their plants that they may not be aware of until it is too late.
No clue, but I'm glad you're going to tell us… 🙂
Citrus swallowtail caterpillars, which I welcome! My poor orange tree is being devoured by snails. Even the bark, but the tree is in too much shade. Lemon and lime are flourishing.
Roof rat droppings.